What Doctor Who?

No one coerced me into watching Doctor Who. It just happened in one fateful day, when a classmate turned friend of mine allowed me to copy some of her movies and series.

“I have Doctor Who, but only nerds like it.” Sigrid reluctantly offered

“What exactly is that?”

“Doctor Who, its adventure slash Sci-Fi”

“Oh, he’s the time traveler that has a phone booth time machine!” Another friend added

I copied it along with the more familiar (to me) series. Admittedly, I am a little nerdy who loves adventure, so she need not say another word, it was immediately sold to me.

My friend, who I am eternally grateful to for introducing me to the world of The Doctor, only has Series 5 and 6, where The Doctor was played by Matt Smith. I have been searching since then copies of Season 1 to 4. I am fortunate enough to have found Season 3, I won’t give up though, I will find the other Seasons.

WHY I love Doctor Who

Adventure, Time travel, Aliens not to mention a very good looking eccentric man, oh you got me.

It has a simple plot: there is an old time travelling alien who brings human companions with him. They travel through all of time and space and partake dangerous, breath-taking adventures. I mean, what could be cooler than that? ALL of time and space. Not just Earth, all of the Universe, all of the planets and all of the creatures there is.

 With a plot like Doctor Who’s you can tell any story you like. You can have adventures with Shakespeare or Van Gogh, or be prisoners in another dimension, and get into all sorts troubles.   There is just so much imagination and creativity!

WHO is The Doctor

The Doctor is a Timelord (it’s a race, an alien race), he does not really have super powers, it’s just that he is different, he looks human but is not (example, he has two hearts) and he has different gadgets (his time machine called the TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space), a sonic screwdriver and psychic paper are on top of my mind), add that to a very old man who has seen so many things and experienced so much. He is indeed a wise wise man.

He does not really have a name, he is just The Doctor

The role of the  Doctor is played by different people. When The Doctor ‘dies’ his ‘soul’ transfers into another shell. But his being, is still the same. It’s still the same person. The same Doctor.


Do I recommend Doctor Who? If you love Sci-fi and Adventure and a self confessed Nerd like me, by all means. Prepare to embark on a journey to everywhere and everytime. 🙂

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