Body scrub and butter from the dead sea!


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Aqua Mineral’s Total Silk Body Scrub and Blissful Body Butter works hand in hand like salt and pepper (no cumin), Batman and Robin, B1 and B2, peanut butter and toast, and finally, Agnes and Xander, there is forever.

The smooth and silky feeling the scrub gives you after a shower or a bath is so wonderful that it makes you feel fresh, beautiful, clean, and new. Why new? ‘Cause you don’t get to feel this way every single day. As a matter of fact, I have never felt the way I felt with my skin the first time I used this product. It was something I looked forward to feeling every day! Although I can’t really do that because the recommended use for this product is just once a week—that’s for the safety of your skin too! But the body butter can be used every day…

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